Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Wow it's been a while. The "Something awesome is coming...." post was about the Raspberry Pi - which is on the fourth iteration now. I'm going to start posting here more & will continue to keep this blog focused on technology and my music. 
    I recently built a new computer using a Commodore 64 case. The specs are pretty good and I'm quite happy with it. Temps are getting way too high when gaming so a friend and I are trying to work out a way to adapt a Dynatron A31 from socket SP3 to AM4 - more on that as it develops (if you have any tips please leave a comment).
    The Windows XP SP1 and Server 2003 source code was posted on 4chan recently. Someone has already found an unreleased theme called Candy.
    I haven't followed the android-x86 development in years, but it seems to still be going strong

    I'll get some of my music together and post more about that next time. For now just enjoy this cool little number someone else made:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back online!